Introduction to Healthcure

Healthcure starts with….A good night's sleep

My name is Dr Arun Hansi and I am a sleep medicine expert. Here at Healthcure we have a specialist unique approach to treating sleep problems, integrating gold standard evidence-based therapy to cure your insomnia, leading to a happier healthier life.
Have a question?​ Contact us now
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> 0 %
Target sleep efficiency
> 0 %
Effective in clinical studies
0 %
Our insomnia cure rate
0 +
Number of patients seen

Advanced Sleep Science

How can we make a difference

Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, also commonly known as CBTi is the only evidence-based cure for insomnia. It relaxes the mind and body for sleep. We will implement strategies to prepare your internal and external environment for your best sleep. Weekly expert Doctor led sessions to produce your personalised sleep program.
To read more on how we can sleep​ Click Here


What People Have to Say About Us

Incredibly useful

I have just completed my CBTi course with Arun, and found it incredibly useful. He has a really helpful style, and I found him both firm but approachable and understanding which was exactly what I needed. I am very grateful to him.
I think that the course was excellent for five weeks.

I found the sessions really helpful

I'm already consistently sleeping much better and when I do have the odd night where sleep's more patchy I've been able to pinpoint why and make amendments to my daily routine to counter these issues. Ishi and Arun were great group facilitators and made it a very welcoming and safe environment to discuss insomnia issues. Thank you for offering this course.

CBT sessions were excellent

I found the sessions very helpful and I think they are slowly helping me. Overall the CBT sessions were excellent and I would recommend them to anyone with insomnia- better than sleeping pills!!

I would recommend their CBT highly to others

I have found the CBTI very helpful. The practitioners were very good and encouraging. They talked about sleep hygiene measures in depth. They gave many techniques which were very practical and helpful. Their session is better than the self- help CBT and I would recommend their CBT highly to others. Thank you for the CBT. I've benefitted a lot from it. I hope you continue to run the sessions.

I enjoyed the sessions

I enjoyed the sessions and found them useful.

Our Practitioners

We're here because people deserve to sleep well

Our Healthcure Leaders

Our Practitioners

We're here because people deserve to sleep well

Our Healthcure Leaders View Here

Dr Arun Hansi

NHS and private GP

Dr Ishi Bains

NHS GP, CBT-insomnia Therapist

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